Uncommonly Fresh, Farm-Direct


Delicious Walnuts & Walnut Oil 

At Harvest Valley, we aren’t afraid to think outside the box to bring you uncommonly clean, nutrient-dense, delicious walnuts and walnut oil. You deserve vibrant health and freedom from conventional health care.

We’ve created a regenerative walnut orchard over the last 10+ years to make it possible. Daniel comes from a South Dakota farm family and Rachelle from a walnut farm in Northern California. We got married in 2010, and the trees on our farm were planted the same spring. Within a few years we were able to completely take over the farm and begin paying it off.

After a few years of tending to our orchard, we realized that large sections weren’t growing properly due to pests.  But when we planted cover crops, like mustard, we were able to grow incredible walnuts without heavy reliance on herbicides and pesticides.

Today, we run a regeneratively farmed walnut orchard with healthier soil, healthier trees, and healthier nuts. We bring our walnuts directly from the orchard to your door because that's the only way to guarantee you the flavor and health benefits of uncommonly fresh, regenerative walnuts, and because that’s the way it should be.

Owners Rachelle and Daniel Unruh


You’ve probably never tasted a fresh walnut. The walnuts in the store are anywhere from a few months to a few years old. The older the walnuts, the more the oils have oxidized, making the nuts bitter and rancid. Our walnuts and walnut oil are as fresh as they get. They’re always from the most recent harvest and have been carefully held in cold storage. They’re clean, sweet, and unlike any other walnuts.

When walnuts taste delicious, you want to eat more of them. When you eat more of them, you get more of the scientifically proven benefits:

Fresh walnuts from My Harvest Valley
Owner Rachelle Unruh holding unshelled walnuts


Regenerative practices benefit soil health, ecosystem health, and your health. 


    Diverse cover crop mixes (such as mustard plants and clover) provide nutrients for the soil.


    Releasing beneficial insects to take care of pest pressures rather than pesticides keeps our ecosystem vibrant. Our orchards are full of songbirds!


    Regenerative walnuts are nutrient rich.